Rocky Mountain IAC
Thank You to Our Partners
Colorado Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE)
Colorado Energy Office
Our Mission “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing clean energy, energy efficiency and zero emission vehicles to benefit all Coloradans.”
The Energy Efficiency Business Coalition (EEBC)
About the Energy Business Coalition “The Energy Efficiency Business Coalition (EEBC) is a statewide trade association of non-utility companies that provide energy efficiency, demand response, and data analytics products and services in Colorado. Founded in 2008, EEBC’s member businesses include demand-side management implementation and evaluation experts, demand response companies, engineering and architecture firms, data analytics firms, contractors, financing experts, commercial energy service companies, workforce training entities, and manufacturers and distributors of energy efficiency products and equipment.” |
Our Mission “Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit cooperative power supplier. Our mission is to provide our member systems a reliable, affordable and responsible supply of electricity in accordance with cooperative principles.” |